The White-Washing of Black & Brown Church Planters

Are we, as church planters, losing our authenticity in the face of subtle white-washing? How far have we strayed from our mission, and more importantly, can we find our way back to our communities? The journey of Black and brown church planters is not just a personal mission. Becoming and serving as a pastor in the black community is deeply intertwined with identity, cultural history, and societal nuances.

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Church Planting, Leadership Development Charlie Mitchell Church Planting, Leadership Development Charlie Mitchell

8 Marks of a Beastly Urban Church Planter

Just as successful basketball players possess a range of skills - from dribbling and shooting to team coordination and quick thinking - resilient urban church planters also exhibit a set of defining qualities. These qualities may vary in intensity and style from person to person. Still, collectively, they form the framework that shapes their ability to establish, cultivate, and expand a vibrant, life-giving church.

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Resource Spotlight, Leadership Development Charlie Mitchell Resource Spotlight, Leadership Development Charlie Mitchell

5 Crucial Lessons for Pastors from "Steal Like An Artist"

Have you ever felt the pressure to be original, always be unique, or always be one step ahead in your ministry? Let me give you a million dollars worth of game: It's aiight to "steal." I would go as far as saying it’s mandatory. Before you fall out of your ergonomic desk chair, I'm talking about stealing ideas in the most artistic, transformative, and godly way possible. Austin Kleon's "Steal Like An Artist" isn't just a book. It's a manual to fueling your creativity, especially in places you'd least expect. 

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