5 Crucial Lessons for Pastors from "Steal Like An Artist"

Space Cadet Mitchell

Shout out to all my pastors and planters! Have you ever felt the intense pressure to be original, always be unique or always be one step ahead in your ministry? 

Let me give you a million dollars worth of game: It's aiight to "steal." I would go as far as saying it’s mandatory. 

Before you fall out of your ergonomic desk chair, I'm talking about stealing ideas in the most artistic, transformative, and godly way possible.

Austin Kleon's "Steal Like An Artist" isn't just a book. It's a manual to fueling your creativity, especially in places you'd least expect. 

With the fast-paced digital world constantly churning out new content and ideas, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking everything's been done before. 

But Kleon flips this idea on its head and encourages readers, including pastors like us, to embrace influence and find inspiration in the world around us.

God: The Original Creator

Before diving into the lessons, let's lay the foundation. 

Our God is undeniably creative. Remember Genesis 1:1-31?

It's a breathtaking display of His imagination. The stars, mountains, oceans, and every living creature are a testament to this creativity. The heavens literally shout about it (Psalm 19:1). 

So, if our Creator finds joy in crafting such wonders, why shouldn't we, His children, embrace that same spark within us?

Unpacking the Lessons

1. Borrow Like a Pro: We're in an era of remixes, and there's no shame in it! Borrow ideas, styles, or techniques that resonate with you. Attend workshops, devour books, binge on podcasts - absorb all you can and reshape it in your unique pastoral context. Remember, Solomon did say there's nothing new under the sun.

2. Celebrate Your Influences: Your inspirations? Wear them like a badge of honor. That sermon that stirred your heart or that community project that ignited a spark? Use them as springboards for your creative endeavors. Embrace them, mold them, and let them fuel your ministry.

3. Dive Into the Unknown: Step out of your comfort zone. Experiment with new forms of worship, outreach methods, or community events. Yes, it's risky, but magic often happens in those spaces. Our Savior walked on water; maybe it's time for us to step out of our boats, too.

4. Find Your Voice: While being inspired is okay, don't forget the unique calling God placed in your heart. Your convictions, beliefs, and personal experiences shape your ministry's voice. Don't shy away; embrace it wholeheartedly.

5. Use Tech: We're in the 21st century, fam! Embrace some doggone technology. From Instagram Live Bible Studies to Notion for your sermon calendar, the digital world has opportunities to stay organized, reach souls, and foster community. Don't get left behind!

Wrap-Up: The Creative Calling

Being a pastor in the modern age requires more than just the train tracks of tradition. 

It demands an evolving creativity deeply rooted in God's eternal truths. 

Our God is limitless in creativity, and by tapping into that resource, we open doors to endless possibilities.

So the next time you feel that itch of imposter syndrome or the weight of trying to be "original," remember Austin Kleon's wisdom and lean into the boundless inspiration around you. 

As pastors, our ultimate goal is to connect, inspire, and lead our people closer to God. 

And a splash of creativity might be the secret sauce you've been looking for!


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