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Brother, You Better Be a Professional: Practical Skills for Urban Church Planters

The Call That Started It All

My phone buzzed, giving me an excuse to step away from my loud kids. It was a familiar number, a fellow church planter I'll call Mike (names changed to protect the guilty). His voice crackled through the phone with a hint of frustration.

"Yo, Doc," he greeted, using the nickname every black pastor and planter throws around. "I need your wisdom, man. My fundraising's hit a wall. I've been connecting with folks, sharing the vision, but the money ain't coming in."

Mike wasn't exaggerating. He is a charismatic dude, the kind of preacher who could make the angels weep and sinners rock in their seats. His church is planted in a vibrant, resource-rich city with lots of potential. His calling is undeniable, his vision crystal clear. So, what’s the problem?

I dug deeper and asked about his fundraising efforts. "How are you following up with these potential leads?"

A beat of silence, then a hesitant, "Leads?"

"Yeah, man," I chuckled. "The folks you've met, the ones you've shared your vision with."

"Nah, once I drop the pitch, that's it," Mike declared. "Emailing back and forth ain't my style. We're called to shepherd, Doc, not spam inboxes."

My smile faded. "So, no thank-you emails? No follow-up questions to see if they've had a chance to discuss it with their families or elders?"

Mike sighed. "Truth be told, Bruh, the whole email thing to me. Pastors are supposed to connect face-to-face, right?"

Right then, it hit me. Mike is a gifted preacher and a visionary leader, but he was a rookie in the world of fundraising. He was playing the game with one hand tied behind his back, relying solely on charisma and passion while neglecting the crucial follow-through that turns good conversations into tangible support.

That's when the spark for this article ignited.

Going Pro

Mike’s story isn’t unique.

I knew countless urban church planters who were full of zeal but lacking the essential professional skills to navigate the complexities of building and sustaining a church in an urban community.

This article isn't about throwing shade at urban church planters.

It's about bridging the gap between the call to ministry and the realities of growing a church plant.

It's about equipping ourselves with the tools and skills needed to turn dreams into thriving churches without compromising the essence of our calling.

So buckle up.

Passion + Professional = Effective

Let's talk about professionalism, not as a replacement for passion but as a vital tool in our ministry toolbox. Let's learn to be both dope preachers and savvy stewards because, in the trenches of urban church planting, both are essential for planting a lasting church.

We've all heard the call – to blaze trails in hard places, plant seeds of hope in overlooked communities, and build shelters for the lost and weary. But hold up! While a good heart and a an word from the Lord are crucial, John Piper's prophetic indictment against "passive professionalism" might not apply word-for-word in our situation.

Hear me out: in the hustle of urban church planting, being a professional does not equal being a sellout.

It's a necessity. 

I’m not talking about fancy suits, Stacy Adams shoes, and corporate jargon—we're talking about mastering essential skills that keep our ministries thriving, not just surviving. This definitely isn't about quenching the Holy Spirit's fire but building a sturdy furnace to sustain its heat.

Let’s eliminate the fear of spreadsheets and embrace the power of professionalism. Here's the rundown on several skills every urban planter needs to master:

1. Master the Boardroom, Not Just the Pulpit:

  • Meeting Maestro: Forget the aimless "Let's just get together" vibe. Learn to plan agendas, lead discussions, and delegate tasks – your team and your sanity will thank you.

  • Budgeting Boss: Numbers aren't the enemy. Get comfortable with basic financial management, fundraising strategies, and responsible resource allocation. Remember, Jesus was the good shepherd because he never lost count of his sheep – let's be wise stewards.

  • Paper Trail Pro: Get your books in order ASAP! No one wants to visit you in jail because your receipts went rogue. Invest in basic accounting software and stay organized – your future self will high-five you.

2. Communication Kingpin:

  • Email Assassin: Craft clear, concise, and professional emails that get your message across without sounding stuffy or preachy. Remember, communication is a two-way street – respond promptly and build relationships.

  • Publicity Prodigy: Learn the art of crafting compelling copywriting and engaging social media content. The world needs to know about the good you're doing, so spread the word like wildfire!

3. Project Planning Pathfinder:

  • Visionary with a Roadmap: Being a visionary is dope, but without a plan, your vision floats in the void. Learn basic project management skills, set achievable goals, and track your progress. Your team will be on board when they see a clear path forward.

  • Delegation Pro: You can't do it all. Learn to identify strengths, delegate tasks effectively, and empower your team to own their roles. Remember, a rising tide lifts all boats.

4. Networking Ninja:

  • Connector Connoisseur: Building relationships ain't just small talk at coffee hour. Learn to network strategically, connect with potential donors and partners, and build a support system that fuels your mission. Remember, iron sharpens iron – find your tribe and grow together.

5. The Hiring (and Sometimes Firing) Hero:

  • Talent Scout: Building a strong team is crucial. Learn to assess skills, conduct interviews, and hire the right people who align with your mission and values. Remember, sometimes tough decisions need to be made for the greater good.

This ain't about pride or ego. It's about being good stewards of the resources entrusted to us, building sustainable ministries that impact lives for generations.

So, how do we move forward?

  • Be Honest: If you need help, ask! There's no shame in seeking guidance from experienced mentors or organizations.

  • Change Your Mindset: Embrace Romans 12:2 – transform your mind, not just your shoes. Growth is a lifelong journey, and mastering these skills is an investment in your calling.

  • Utilize Resources: The internet is your playground! Zoom calls, online courses, and specialized ministries offer a wealth of support. Don't do it alone, tap into the collective wisdom of the tribe.

  • Stewardship Matters: Jesus kept count of His sheep, and so should we. Learn to track metrics, measure impact, and make informed decisions based on data. Remember, accountability fosters excellence.

Let's raise our game!

By leveling up your professional skills, we strengthen our ministries, make more disciples, and build a legacy of hope in the heart of the city. It's time to build not just churches but outposts of impact that stand the test of time.

Peace, blessings, and Bruh…you better be a professional!