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8 Marks of a Beastly Urban Church Planter

“You wasn’t with me shooting in the gym!”- Rick Ross

Just as successful basketball players possess a range of skills - from dribbling and shooting to team coordination and quick thinking - resilient urban church planters also exhibit a set of defining qualities. 

These qualities may vary in intensity and style from person to person. 

Still, collectively, they form the framework that shapes their ability to establish, cultivate, and expand a vibrant, life-giving church.

A Call that Echoes the Streets

I still remember the day I felt the Lord’s call to plant a church. 

I felt I had to start something that would reflect the people who grew up like me. 

Not only that, but were seeking a gospel they could comprehend and connect with. 

I was unprepared. 

My heart was full of zeal, but I was timid, theologically unseasoned, and had no experience in starting anything from scratch. 

It was a monumental task, but God has a unique way of training those who are willing to brave the unknown, follow His call, and step into uncharted territory.

Over time I have discovered there are distinct marks of those who are effective in urban church planting.

  1. Spiritual Resilience

At the heart of urban church planting is a gritty spiritual resilience that thrives in complexity. 

Urban church planters don't just start a non-profit.

They must courageously and relentlessly contend with spiritual darkness. Their devotion reflects a profound understanding of Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, 

"We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;"

2. Cross-Cultural Intelligence

To effectively bridge cultural divides, urban church planters need cross-cultural intelligence.

Understanding their congregation members' unique experiences, values, and viewpoints helps foster a sense of belonging and unity. 

This cultural competency is not about surface-level diversity but rather about embracing the deep, richly textured tapestry of the community, reflecting the Apostle Peter's insight in 1 Peter 3:8: 

"Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind."

3. Wisdom in Racial Division 

Navigating the historical and ongoing racial trauma experienced by black and brown communities is a non-negotiable aspect of urban church planting. 

As a young, enthusiastic planter, I was initially immersed in a world of evangelicalism that, while well-meaning, was marred by naivety.

There was an expectation that the days of racial bigotry were a thing of the past and reconciliation was just a shared prayer and song away. 

That naivety was shattered as I and many other urban church planters confronted the racial trauma we experienced while partnering with suburban churches.

From Trayvon Martin to George Floyd, we've been forced to re-evaluate our approach, assert our cultural heritage more boldly, and commit ourselves to creating safe, spiritually nurturing spaces for our communities, regardless of the latest race-related news cycle story. 

Our ancestors didn't endure years of brutality for us to grow soft or silent in the face of racial issues. Their endurance was a testament to their strength and a reminder for us to be proud of our heritage and culture. 

Urban church planters must be equipped to engage with and address deep-rooted systemic injustices, embodying the spirit of Psalm 147:3, 

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."

4. Entrepreneurial Spirit

Just as a business-minded entrepreneur sees potential where others don't, an urban church planter must have an entrepreneurial spirit. 

They identify unique opportunities for gospel engagement, forge innovative ministry pathways, and resourcefully leverage limited assets to maximize impact. 

Their approach aligns with the wisdom of Proverbs 16:3, "Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established."

5. Financial Stewardship

Urban church planters must demonstrate impeccable financial stewardship. 

Whether seeking large donations, managing a shoestring budget, or ensuring transparency in church financial practices. 

No matter what, their integrity in money matters is paramount. 

Their mindset is grounded in 1 Timothy 6:10, reminding us that the love of money, not money itself, is a root of all sorts of evil.

6. Family Focused

Beastly urban church planters recognize their dual responsibilities of leading their congregation and nurturing their family. 

They understand that their role as a spouse and parent is just as significant as their pastoral duties, as Paul urges in 1 Timothy 3:4-5, highlighting the importance of managing one's own family well.

7. Fearless Advocacy

In the face of societal inequities, urban church planters serve as fearless advocates. 

Their passion for justice is not just rhetoric; it manifests in tangible actions that challenge unjust systems and empower their congregations, channeling the energy of Micah 6:8, which calls us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

8. Authentic Humility

Above all, urban church planters embody authentic humility. 

They are servant leaders who are committed to placing the needs of others before their own, resonating with Philippians 2:3, which instructs us to consider others as more significant than ourselves.

The qualities required for urban church planting are as diverse as the communities these planters serve. 

But one thread that weaves through each of them is the ability to lead with faith, wisdom, and a deep-seated commitment to fostering unity and growth within their congregations. 

As urban church planters continue to build and shape their skills, they lay the foundation for a vibrant, impactful church that mirrors the Kingdom of God in all its rich diversity.